Monday, October 28, 2013


  Lately, i watch this series and i am so addicted to it. When i watching this series, i saw an airport and it reminds me of them again. Airport is the place for people to achieve their dream and also the place where they have to leave each other ( family, friend and etc) to further their studies at oversea. We can see a lot of situation that happen in the airport such like people crying of have to leave their family. Besides, also got people happy when they saying goodbye to their love ones. I cry when i watch the girl have to say goodbye to her loves one and their relationship already changed and they will not be together again. Sometime we cannot predict what will happen in the future. But no matter what the decision we make, we must not regret about it. Instead of regret about the past, why not we waste our time to invent our future? It's right, the fate is already fixed but most of the fate is in our hand. It's depends on how we invent and appreciate it~

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